Parts of a Plant

There are four main parts of a plant: the flower, the stem, the leaves, and the roots. 
1. The Flower
The flower is normally a bright color to attract bees so that they can spread pollen and seeds to grow new plants. In the middle of the flower seeds that will become new plants. But not all plants have flowers!

2. The Stem
The stem holds up the top of the plant. Through the stem, the water flows to the leaves and flower so that the plant stays hydrated.

3. The Leaves
 The leaves are very important for the plant, because that's where photosynthesis occurs. Photosynthesis is how the plant turns sunlight and water into energy so that the plant can grow. For more information on photosynthesis, click here!

4. The Roots
The roots support the plant, allow it to stand up, and gather in nutrients from the soil so that the plant can grow and be healthy. The roots are also how the plant takes in water from the ground.

Your turn! If you're at home, print out the page below to try labeling the different parts of a plant!

Parts of a Plant Worksheet
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